Affirmations Friday! – Late Post

Everyday when going to work, with the kids and with life in general, I find myself in the midst of some battle, some lesson I need to pass or some challenge. Some are smaller than others, and we might think they don’t really matter. I find myself having to find a solution to how to…

Affirmations Friday!

Hello beauties, I am so proud of myself for remembering to post today!! I know, I know I missed last week and the week before; and when I remembered today , I thought, know what,I wont feel guilty. Life happens. I guess with blogging we find ourselves in that predicament, where you are under so…

Affirmations Friday! (Delayed Post)

Beautiful Day beautiful people! So, I forgot that I made a commitment to post every Friday. It happens, so my deepest apologies my loves. So today is Wednesday and I should have posted last Friday 21st April. My life has been quite hectic lately so please accept my apology. If you were looking forward to…

Affirmations Friday

Hi All! Happy Friday! So I want to do a challenge, to challenge my consistency in blogging, also because I had this idea that I needed daily affirmations and wished I could get them emailed to me everyday. then I thought, I could do it every Friday , maybe someone out there needs them as…

I wish I wasnt an empath

Life can throw punches at you and you may feel like you wish you were never born at times, 2 kids and almost 3 decades later I still find myself thinking like this. Sometimes life is good but I miss the ‘great’ of life. Living freely and just having fun without worrying about the future,…

In spirit of Valentine: Self Love

Hi All! I hope everyone had the best Valentine of their life! I had the best time on Valentine. I had a few mishaps which made me realize that during the 14 of February, everyone is expecting to receive something in return for something. I am a natural giver. I learnt that giving is good…

Vision board ideas: what’s on my vision board?

YouTube Channel Consistent Content Creation – I am determined to create consistent content for my YouTube channel. Loving environment for my kids: take care of and teach my Nunus WordPress Blogging Consistent Content Creation –  My goal this year is to create valuable content my for my blog. Relationship goals – Everyone deserves to be…

How to create a digital vision board

How to create a digital vision board I have been reading and watching quite a number of motivational stuff and one thing they talk about a lot is how they create vision boards to reach their goals.  Instead of doing goal setting, which takes up a lot of time because you need to be very…

Happy New Year Yall!

I am just passing through to say Happy new year to everyone on my blog! The previous year wasn’t a great one and getting into 2021 is such a privilege that I’m truly grateful for, Honestly I’m really grateful to still have my grandmother. Covid is not playing out there. I am excited and scared…

First official intro Youtube video

Hey Babes. My official intro video is up on my new channel. I hope to hear from all of you. I should be doing some improvements with the sound but I dint want that to stop me from uploading! Looking forward to producing more valuable content. 💃💜😙