What I learnt from ALWAYS being good 

I think I understand why good people are so rare in the world we live in today, they had had some heart-chilling experiences, they got tired of always being good Samaritans and had to throw their good personalities out the window. I do think that we still need a lot of good people in the…

Getting to know novelist, poet, and blogger Cinga Dyala

    I’ve been privileged to have met this amazing, super humble and talented woman. Her name is Cinga Dyala and she has done such amazing work to show her love for writing and the art.  To me she has been an incredibly patient mentor! I might have just described how I see her as…

We grow through what we go through

This is the first time I use any of my own pictures for this blog. That’s me and my son Angenathi, recently turned 2. This post is not about that picture though. It is about how I learnt through challenges I face everyday in my life, some of which I would love to share on…

Dance woman!

Picture: from pinterest ​Free spirited and worry-free. She throws her energy around it’s contagious, she sways her round buttocks like she doesn’t give shit! Driven by her sensations, She does nothing to please anyone.worries escaped her mind the minute she stood up to dance. Notice the wind dry up  tears  from her eyes as she…